The Secret Guide To Pressure Cookers

Slow Cooker Pork Luau Recipe

This slow cooker adaptation came out really close if not identical to the
original Hawaiian Luau. Fall-apart tender, succulent, sweet, smoky - only
This slow cooker version of the classic Hawaiian Luau is unquestionably among
The top pork recipes I've had and is every bit worth sharing. It's really
Amazing how close to the original this came out without all the mess and
Hassles that come from its traditional preparation.
While everyone might recommend using a cut from the pork shoulder, I
Went for a segment from the ribs, near the belly.
Alternating layers of fat and meat would make my take on this luau extra
Succulent, sinful as it may be. As much as I'd like to keep every rib bone in
Place, I had the butcher remove them this slab would fit easily within my
slow cooker. I also had the skin removed to make sure all that seasoning
And smoky flavor gets deep into the meat. I will not be able to get it to a
Crackling anyway, so I really did not mind losing it at all. A thin layer of fat on
Top would do wonders in keeping this roast perfectly moist. You might want
To trim some away, however, if there's too much.
Get a little paring knife and stab it all over the meat surface to make little
incisions. This will help all those flavors pe

rmeate the meat better.
The printable recipe, as well as more photos, detailed instructions,
Ingredients list, and beautiful plated pics continue on page two. It helps speed
Up my site and page load speed to divide the pictures, so thanks for
Here's one of many things I love about this recipe.
ingredients. Pork, salt, and liquid smoke. This dish is a perfect situation to prove that
Delicious food need not be complicated to prepare. Just rub some coarse-grained
Salt all over and slather on a generous dab of liquid smoke.
on fire.
From here you might actually get your pork right to the pot. Just for that
Distinct smoky and slightly sweet luau flavor, I wrapped mine in a roster of banana
leaf. No need to secure the loose end -- just keep it tucked on the bottom as
You lay the whole thing down in the pot so that it'll stay neatly closed.
Simply to make sure nothing sticks to the walls of my crockpot, I went for a quick
Coating of non invasive cooking spray. I really don't think this measure would be
Necessary but doing so will not hurt either. Lay the wrapped pork . No need to
add any cooking liquid. Believe me, not a single drop went in with mine. Cover the
Pot, set it on low, and you're done.
Look at how perfect this came out after eight hours of totally unsupervised
cooking. Unbelievably fall-apart succulent and tender. And the smell of banana
Leaves in the kitchen, only so
No need for knives to split this. Just go ahead and dig in with a fork.

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